13 minute read


Author: Pong P. Chu



  • Verilog: hardware description language (HDL)
  • Looks like C but the semantics is concurrent hardware operation
  • Verilog is non-deterministic

1.2 1-bit equality

1-bit equalitty: return true if both inputs are 0 or 1

Operator with just not, or, and, xor (basic logic gates)


bool eq(bool a, bool b) {
    return (a && b) || (!a && !b);

logic gates

\[eq = i0 \cdot i1 + i0' \cdot i1'\]

Verilog Code

module eq1
    // I/O ports
        input wire i0, i1,
        output wire eq

    // signal declaration
    wire p0, p1;

    // body
    // sum of product terms
    assign eq = p0 | p1;

    // product terms
    assign p0 = ~i0 & ~i1;
    assign p1 = i0 & i1;

HDL breakdown:

  • I/O port portion:
    • describes the input and output ports of the circuit
    • Q(klement): are ports always used for input and output
  • Signal declaration:
    • specifies the internal connecting signals
    • describes the connecting signals between different circuit
  • body:
    • describes the internal organization of the circuit

1-equality example:

  • three continuous assignment constituite the three circuit parts
    • Q(klement): what is a circuit? is a gate a circuit
    • Q(klement): what is a circuit part?
  • connection between the parts are implicity defined by the signal and port names
    • assignment uses the ports (I/O) and signals

1.3 Basic Lexical Elements

Lexical Elements

  • Identifier: gives a unique name to an object (ie eq1, eq2)
    • $ is usually used for system task or function
  • Keywords: predefined identifer to describe language constructs (ie module, wire)
  • White space: use for improving readability but does not have any impact
  • Comments: //

1.4 Data Types

Four-value system

  • 0: logic 0 - false
  • 1: logic 1 - true
  • z: high - impedance state
    • output of a tri-state buffer
    • Q(klement): what does this mean?
  • x: unknown value
    • usedto present uninitialized input or output conflict

1.4.2 Data type groups

Net group

  • Represent the physical connections between hardware components
  • Used as the output of continuous assignment
    • continous assignment hardware components
  • wire
    • most common data type
  • one-dimensional array:
    • a collection of singal grouped into a bus
    • example:
        wire [7:0] data1, data2; // 8-bit data
        wire [31:0] addr;        // 32-bit addr
        wire [0:7] revers_data   // ascending index
    • ascending index should be avoided - it should correspond to the MSB binary number where the MSB is on the left
  • two-dimensional array:
    • 32-by-4 memory (ie a memory has 32 words and each word is 4 bits wide)
        wire [3:0] mem1 [31:0];
  • other data types: wand (for wired-and-connection) supply0 (circuit ground connection)

Variable group

  • represent abstract storage
  • outputs of procedural assignment
  • Datatypes: reg, integer, real, time, realtime

1.4.3 Number representation

General format for integer constants


[base]: base of the number

  • b or B: binary
  • o or O: octal
  • h or H: hexadecimal
  • d or D: decimal

[value]: value of the number in the corresponding base [size]: the number of bits in a number

  • optional: if set the number is a sized number or unsized number otherwise
  • sized number: zeros are padded in front to extend the number if it is smaller than the size
  • unsized number: size depends on the host machine

1.4.4 Operators

bitwise operators: ~, &, | or ^

1.5.1 Port declaration

I/O declaration specifies the modes, data types and names

module [modules_name]
    [mode] [data_type] [port_names]
  • [mode]: input, output, inout
  • [data_type]: wire

1.5.2 Program Body

  • A verilog module (function/subsystem) is a collection of circuit part
    • the collection of circuit can be executed in parallel
  • circruit part can be described as:
    • Continuous assigment:
      • simple combinational circuits
      • assign [signal_name] = expression
      • left-handside: is the output of the circuit part
      • right-hanside: is the input of the circuit part
      • example: assign eq = p0 | p1
        • When p0 or p1 changes value, the statement is activated and expression is evaluated
        • new value is assigned to eq after the propogation delay
      • Each assignment corresponds to a circuit part and the order of the assignment does not matter
    • always block:
      • more abstract procedural assignment (order maters?)
      • for more complex circuits
    • module instantiation:
      • use predesigned modules as subsystem of the current behaviour

1.5.3 Signal declaration

  • Declaration: specifies the internal signals and parameters used in the modules
  • Interconnecting wires between the circuit parts
wire p0, p1;

Implicit net:

  • if an identifier is not declared, it is defaulted to wire

1.6 Structural Description

Allow for a larger system to bebuilt with multiple predesigned components (module instantiation)

module eq2
    input wire[1:0] a,b,
    output wire aeqb

    // internal signal declaration
    wire e0, e1;

    // body
    // instantiate two 1-bit comparators
    eq1 eq_bit0_unit (.i0(a[0]), .i1(b[9]), .eq(e0))
    eq1 eq_bit1_unit (.eq(e1), .i0(a[1]), .i1(b[1]))
    assign aeqb = e0 & e1;

module instantiation statement

[moldule_name] [instance_name]
  • [module_name]: the name of the module to instantiate, in this case it is eq1
  • [instance_name]: unique id for the instance of the module we instantiated
  • .[port_name]([signal_name]):
    • connection by name - similar to keyword args
    • .[port_name]: the name of the I/O port of the module
    • .[signal_name]: the external signal name of the current module
    • ordering does not matter

Connection by ordered list:

eq1 eq_bit0_unit (a[0], b[0], e1);
  • same as connection by name but based on position of args - bug prone

Verilog primitive: verilog provides some primitive modules that can be used

module eq1_primitive
    input wire i0, i1,
    output wire eq

wire i0_n, i1_n, p0, p1;
not unit1 (i0_n, i0); // i0_n = ~i0
not unit2 (i1_n, i1); // i1_n = ~i1
and unit3 (p0, i0_n, i1_n); // p0 = i0_n & i1_n
and unit4 (p1, i0, i1); // p1 = i0 & i1;
or unit5 (eq, p0, p1); // eq = p0 | p1;


To test the module we can simulate in a host computer (how?) and verify the correctness

testbench can be created that instantiate the module we would like to test with a set of test vectors

'timescale 1ns/10ps

module eq2_testbench;
    reg [1:0] test_in0, test_in1;
    wire test_out;
    eq2 uut (.a(test_in0), .b(test_in1), .aeqb(test_out))
        // test vector 1
        test_in0 = 2'b00;
        test_in1 = 2'b00;
        # 200;
        test_in0 = 2'b01;
        test_in1 = 2'b00;
        # 200;
  • 'timescale: 1ns / 10ps: time unit is 1ns and each step is 10ps
  • the module we would like to test is instantiated uut
  • initial block is a verilog construct that is executed once when simulation starts
  • each statment in the block are executed sequentially
  • test_in{0,1} = XXXX: values of the signals (input)
  • #200 means the values will last for 200 timeunit
  • $stop stops the simulation and returns the control to simulation software
  • to monitor the result, on the simulator’s waveform


  • Difference between procedural assignment and continous assignment
  • What is synthesis

Chapter 2: Overview of FPGA and EDA Software


Overview of a general FPGA device:

  • Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA): a two-dimensional array of generic logic cells and programmable switches
    • (klement): You can think of it as a 2D matrix and the edges containing the nodes are programmable switches
  • logic cell: can be configured (ie programmed) to perform a simple function
  • programmable switch: can be customized to provide interconnec tion among the logic cells
  • a custom design can be implemented by specifying the function of each logic cell and setting the connection of each programmable switch
  • A simple adapter can be used to dowload (in the field) the logic info the FPGA device instead of fabrication.

LUT-based logic cell

  • Look up table (LUT) based logic cells with \(n\) inputs, is a \(2^n\)-by-\(1\) memory where it enumerates through the all the permutations of the input and store the output in the table
  • It is able to implement any combinatorial function with n-input
  • D-type flip-flop (DFF): output of the LUT can be used directly or stord to the D FF
    • take a clock as an input
    • at the rising edge of clock the output will show the input
    • use as a way to store data

Marco cell:

  • special cells that are fabricated at the transitor level with special functionallity

Overview of Xilinx Spartan-3 device

Logic cell:

  • four-input LUT and a D FF
  • contains a carry circuit to implement arithmetic
  • multiplexing circuit
  • can be used as a 16-by-1 static random access memory

Slice: * two logical cells are grouped to form a slice

Configurable logic block (CLB): four slices are grouped to form a configurable logic block

Macro cell:

  • combinatorial multiplier: accept two 18-bit numbers and calculates the product
  • RAM: 18K-bit synchronous SRAM (what does synchronous mean here?)
  • Digital clock manager
  • IO block (IOB): controls flow of data between devices’ I/O pin

2.4 Development Flow

  1. Design the system and create the HDL file.
  2. Develop testbench in HDL.
    • perform RTL simulation
    • RTL: register transfer level (what does this mean?)
  3. synthesis and implementation:
    • Synthesis process:
      • Known as logic synthesis - transform HDL construct to generic gate-level compoenents
      • changing code to logic gates
    • Implementation process:
      • translate process:
        • merges multiple design files into a single netlist
        • (klement): what is a netlist?
      • map process:
        • maps generic gates in the netlist to FPGA’s logic cells and IOBs
      • placement and route:
        • derives the physical layout inside the FPGA chip
        • places the cells in physical locations
        • determines the routes of various signals
      • static timing anaylsis (in Xilinx):
        • determines the timing parameters (ie maximal propgation delay, maximal clock frequency)
        • last step of implementation
  4. Generate and download the progamming file
    • fpga will be configured based on the programming file


  • unsynthesizable code? How does it look like
  • what is time step?
  • RTL vs HDL
  • IOB

Chapter 3: RT-Level Combinational Circuit

Arithematic Operation: +, -, *, /, %, **

  • + and - will be synthesized to addr and substractor blocks
    • (klement) Is there a predefined block for addr and sub?
  • * is more complicted and depends on the synthesis software

Shift Operator:

  • >>/<<: move the bits and adds 0 to either side
  • >>>>: the LSB are wrapped to the MSB

Relational Operator: >/</>=/<=

Bitwise Operator: &, |, ^

Reduction Operator:

  • bitwise operator on an array
  • only one operand
  • |a = a[3] | a[2] | a[1] | a[0]

Logical Operators: &&, ||, !

  • used for boolean expression and bitwise operators for signal manipulation

Concatenation and replication operators:

  • { } can be used to combine small array to a large array
    wire a1;
    wire [3:0] a4;
    wire [7:0] b8,c8,d8;
    assign a4 = {4{2'b01}} // replicates
    assign b8 = {a4, a4}; // concat

Conditional operator: ?

  • [signal] = [boolean_exp] ? [true_exp] : [false_exp];
  • based on the boolean expression the signal will be assigned to either of the signal

Expression bit-length adjustment

Bit length adjustment rule:

  1. Determine the maximum bit length of the operands
  2. extend the bit length of oeprands on the right-hand side to the maximum and evaluate the expression
  3. assign the results t othe left hand side signal - truncate the MSB if the LHS bits < max RHS bits
wire [7:0] sum1, sum2
assign sum1 = (a+ b) >> 1
  • RHS maximum bit is 8 bits => a + b will be a 8-bit addition => carry bit truncated => MSB of result always 0
wire [7:0] sum2
assign sum2 = (0 + a + b) >> 1
  • RHS maximum bit is 32 bits (0) => 0 + a + b is a 32-bit addition => carry is not truncated => MSB might contain the carry bit

Synthesis of z and x values


  • z value implies high impedence => output is blocked
  • Used for IO ports


  • x used to indicate that the we don’t care about the signal - used to represent a state we don’t care or should not happen

3.3 Always block for combinational circuit

Always block:

  • procedural statements - executed in sequence instead of concurrent
  • treated as a black box and might not have a hardware counterparts
  • a poorly written always block cannot be synthesized at all
always @([sensitivity_list])
begin [optional name]
    [optional local variable declaration];
    [procedural statement];
    [procedural statement];


  • a list of signals and events always block responds to (is sensitive to)
    • parameters to a function?
  • a timing control construct (what does this mean?)

triggering an always:

  • if any of the signal sensitivity list changes, the always block is activated and exutes the internal procedural statements.
  • no concept of timing other than sensitvity list -> once activate the statements will be executed till the end.
  • always “loops forever”

3.3.2 Procedural assignment

blocking assigment:

[variable_name] = [expression];
  • expression is evaluted and then assigned to the variable

non-blocking assigment:

[variable_name] <= [expression];
  • evaluated expression is only assign at the end of the always block

3.3.3 Variable data types

  • expression can only be assigned to an output with one of the variable data types: reg, integer, real, time, realtime
  • reg: is like wire data type but used in procedural output
  • integer fixed size (usually 32 bit) signed number in 2’s complement format

3.4 IF statement

if [boolean_expr_1]
elseif [boolean_expr_2]
  • can it only be used inside an always block?
  • boolean expression is evaluated before the procdural statements in the branch (implies procedural?)
  • When synthesized the if statements infer “priority routing” networks
    • (klement) what does this mean?

3.5 CASE statment

Like a normal switch statement

case [case_expr]
            [procedural statement]

casez and casex

  • A ? can be used for for don’t case - anything can match
    • (klement) like pattern matching?

Multiple matches:

  • since ? is allowed, it is possible to have > 1 item matching the case. In that case, the first match is used

full case:

  • when every possible case_expr is covered
  • for uncovered cases, nothing will happen
  • combinational circuit - requires a full case as it requires an output value

parallel case: items are mutuall exclusive

  • parallel case = mutliplexing network
  • non parallel case = priority network

3.6 Routing Structure of Conditional Control Constructs

  • no “sequential” control in a combinational circuit
  • C’s ? construct is realised by routing network

3.6.1 Priority routing network

  • Implemented as a sequence of 2-1 multiplexer (2 input - 1 output)
    • The select bit tells which input to take
        sel         y
        0 (false)   i0
        1 (true)    i1
    • if sel=0 choose i0 else choose i1
if (m ==n)
    r = a + b + c;
else if (m > n)
    r = a - b;
    r = c + 1;
  • m==n is the select bit, if true a + b + c is routed to r else a - b is routed
  • the if condition is usually the selection signal
  • many if else clause will lead to more cascading stages => higher propagation delay
    • (klement): does the start of the cascading to end need to be in one cycle?
  • ? is decomposed into a if-else
  • (klement) how do we enforce the first duplicate is chosen

3.6.2 Multiplexing network

  • Implemented as a n-1 multiplexer
  • The desired input => ouput is selected by the selection signal
  • each value of the case is an input of the multiplexer - the items must be mutually exclusive

  • (klement) Does the fpga have actual multiplexor or implemented as something else?

3.7 Always block coding guidelines

variable assigned in multiple always blocks:

reg y;
reg a, b, clear;
always @*
    if (clear) y = 1'b0;
always @*
    y = a & b
  • synthetically correct and simulated but cannot be synthesized
  • each always block is a circuit part, having multiple assignment means multiple parts can update the output of each other which is not possible
  • solution: group assignment in a single always block
    • (klement): what does it mean to have multiple always block? 2 circuit parts running concurrently?

incomplete sensitivity list:

  • missing out one input in the sensitivity list
    • semantically it means if the missed out input change the circuit will not be activated
      • this is not possible physically -> code will still syntheised but infer the sensitivity list
  • simulation would assume that the one input will not activate the circuit -> discrepency between simulation and synthesis
    • (klement): interesting example of simulation != synthesis
  • use @* to include all needed inputs

incomplete branch and incomplete output assignment

  • combinational circuit should be modeled as pure function with no internal state
    • verilog standard state that if a variable is not assigned a value in always block, it will use previous assigned value
      • implemented as a close feedback loop or memory element
  • to prevent unintened memory (ie use previous’ memory) all ouput signals must be assigned in all branches
  • include all the brances of an if or case
    • no single if
    • (klement): should have a full case?
